
Future generations

When I was at school, I loved the idea of becoming a presenter. I used to host the school concerts with my mate Lauren. We’d link in between acts on the stage from choirs, bands, drama productions… You name it, we linked between it. We LOVED it.

Our teachers were incredibly supportive back then and as I moved on and carried on presenting I got so much help and guidance from people working in the media and music industry that I’ll forever be grateful for.

That advice stood me in incredible stead for paving out a career working in radio. As a travel reporter, producer, social media journalist and even now as a presenter I’ve had so many people take me under their metaphorical wing to teach me all sorts of skills and a whole bunch of life lessons. Sometimes it’s proper coaching, sometimes it’s just a helpful word of the wise, but all of it has helped shape me in someway.

So, in turn, I think it’s important that I help others who ask me for help. I still find it bizarre (and incredibly humbling) that people ask me for advice. After training most of the BBC local radio social media producers a couple of years ago I was sent this from one of those I’d trained showing me the addition they’d made to their social media desk...


“What would Bristol do?” 

We were leading the way and people wanted to be like us. THAT IS COOL! 

I was asked earlier this month to talk to eager media and music students from Telford College about how I “got in” at the BBC and how I worked to get into radio presenting.

Talking to students at Telford College

Talking to students at Telford College

I was asked to speak about all the different jobs I’d done, the various roles there are available at the BBC and the ins and outs of how to get radio play on the BBC.

Passing on my experience and knowledge of my career so far is the least I can do. I can’t count the number of people who have helped me progress in my career. Something I’ve always appreciated. The least I can do is help others in return.

Do me a favour. Help someone this week. Give someone the time to grab a coffee with you. Take the time to allow them to pick your brains. You might not feel like you’re the best placed to offer that person the advice you need, but the chances are you’ll give them that little confidence boost they need to feel like they can take the next step. Trust me.